4.1.9 Contact us

If you have reason to complain about your connection please use our Complaints Procedure which can be found here.

If you are unable to resolve a dispute about UK Power Networks' duty to connect and the conditions under which that duty is discharged (sections 16-21 of the Electricity Act 1989). You have the right to contact the Energy Ombudsman which is the independent Ombudsman for gas and electricity consumers. The Energy Ombudsman's contact details are provided below.

Telephone: 0845 055 0760

Fax: 0845 055 0765

Email: enquiries@energy-ombudsman.org.uk

Website: https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/energy

Postal address:  
Energy Ombudsman,
PO Box 966,

You may also refer the dispute to the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (known as Ofgem) within twelve months of the date on which your connection was made to our Distribution System. Ofgem will require that you give UK Power Networks and the Energy Ombudsman an adequate opportunity to resolve any complaint or dispute before any action is taken by them. Ofgem’ s decision will be enforceable as if it were a judgement of the Court and will include such provisions as it considers appropriate which may include who pays its costs in determining the dispute. Ofgem may give directions to us as to the terms on which we are to make or maintain a connection pending determination of the dispute.

Ofgem can be contacted at 9 Millbank, London SW1P 3GE or via their website http://www.ofgem.gov.uk
